OPTImization for MAchine Learning (OPTIMAL) Research Group
OPTImization for MAchine Learning (OPTIMAL)
Research Group
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Dr. M. Tanveer, INSA Associate Fellow and SERB Ramanujan Fellow
IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer (2024-2026)
INSA Distinguished Lecture Fellow 2024
Full Professor
Associate Editor: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Syst. (IF: 10.40).
Action Editor: Neural Networks, Elsevier (IF: 7.8).
Associate Editor: Pattern Recognition, Elsevier (IF: 8.0).
Editorial Board: Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (IF: 8.70).
Board of Editors: Engineering Applications of AI, Elsevier (IF: 8.0).
Associate Editor: Neurocomputing, Elsevier (Nov 2021 onwards) (IF: 6.0).
Associate Editor: Cognitive Computation, Springer (IF: 5.4).
Associate Editor: International Journal of Machine Learning & Cybernetics (IF: 5.6).
Associate Editor: Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
Lead Guest Editor: SI - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IF: 11.90).
Lead Guest Editor: SI - IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health and Informatics (IF: 7.7).
Lead Guest Editor: 2 SIs: ACM Transactions on Multimedia (IF: 5.1).
Lead Guest Editor: SI - IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Comp. Intell (IF: 5.3).
Guest Editor: SI - Annals of Operations Research, Springer (IF: 4.80).
Guest Editor: SI - Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (IF: 8.70).
Guest Editor: SI - Engineering Applications of AI, Elsevier (IF: 8.0).
Associate Editor: IEEE SMC 2019 - 2023.

Honoured as an INSA Distinguished Lecture Fellow 2024.
Recipient of INNS Aharon Katzir Young Investigator Award.
Exciting news - our paper has been published in Nature Mental Health!
IEEE CIS Workshop on Women in AI (Registration Deadline: Jan 13, 2024). Link: https://events.iiti.ac.in/ieeecis-wai
Appointed as an IEEE CIS Distinguished Lecturer (2024-26).
Elected INSA Associate Fellow (2023).
Elected Board of Governor - APNNS from 2023-2024.
Excellence in Research Award, IIT Indore (2023).
Dr. M.A. Ganaie joined IIT Ropar as an Assistant Professor.
Delivered a Tutorial in 30th ICONIP 2023, China.
2022 APNNS Young Researcher Award.
SI-IEEE TFS (IF: 12.25) approved. Deadline: Feb 28, 2024.
Founding Chair of IEEE CIS Chapter, MP Section.
2022 29th ICONIP Best Research Paper Award.
Tutorial Chair - 30th ICONIP 2023, China.
Competition Chair - IJCNN 2023, Australia.
General Chair - 29th ICONIP 2022, IIT Indore, India.
Keynote Talk at University of Leicester, UK.
General Chair - 2022 IEEE CIS Summer School on DL & CI.
Delivered a talk at Shell, Houston.
Associate Editor: Pattern Recognition, Elsevier (IF: 8.52).
Keynote Speaker at IEEE CIS Summer School 2021.
SI - Information Fusion, Elsevier (IF: 12.97).
Organzing two SS @ICONIP 2021, Bali, Indonesia
General Chair - IEEE CIS Summer School 2020.
Founding Chair - MISP 2021.
Organizing SS - IJCNN 2021 (Core Rank A).
Publicity Chair - ICONIP 2021 (Core Rank A).
Session Chair - CVIP 2020.
Co-Chaired 04 Sessions - IEEE SMC 2020.
Coordinator - NPIU/TEQIP-III Faculty Training on AI-ML.
Chaired a Session - ICONIP 2020 (Core Rank A), Bangkok.
Organized a Special Session at ICONIP 2020, Bangkok.
SS - WCCI 2020 (Core Rank A), Glasgow (UK).
Organized 04 Days Short Term Course on Fundamentals of Data Analytics (Nov. 30- Dec. 03, 2019).
Organized International Conference CMA 2019 at IIT Indore.
RA/Postdoc Position available.
Tutorial Speaker at PReMI 2019.
Delivered a Keynote Talk at MISP 2019, IIIT Allahabad.
Delivered two expert lectures at IET Lucknow.
Delivered an Invited Talk at IEEE CIS Summer School, IIIT Allahabad.
News: Our work entiled "Sparse pinball twin SVM" received IIT Indore "Best UG Researcher Award". Congratulations to the team Dr. Aruna Tiwari, Mr. Rahul and Mr. Sanchit.
MHRD SPARC Joint Research Project Approved with NTNU Norway. Winter School on Deep Learning and AI, Bangkok.
Book on Machine Intelligence and Signal Analysis, Springer.
Dr. Tanveer is invited as Visiting Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil during June-July, 2018.

About OPTIMAL Research Lab
    The OPTIMAL research group focusses on the following research problems:
    • Optimization methods and models for non-parallel support vector machines.
    • Detection of human brain disorders using machine learning approaches.
    • On classification and predition of Alzheimer's disease using machine learning techniques.
    • Novel machine learning algorithms for automated detection of seizure using EEG signals.
    • Randomization-based deep and shallow learning algorithms.
    • Novel large-scale machine learning algorithms and their applications.
    • Digital forensic knowledge integration and intelligence (DIREKT-Intel).
  • M Tanveer et al. (2024). Ensemble deep learning for Alzheimer's disease characterization and estimation, NATURE MENTAL HEALTH https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-024-00237-x.
  • MA Ganaie, M Sajid, AK Malik, M Tanveer (2024). Graph embedded intuitionistic fuzzy RVFL for class imbalance learning, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 10.4]
  • M. Tanveer, M. A. Ganaie, Iman Beheshti, Tripti Goel, Nehal Ahmad, Kuan-Ting Lai, Kaizhu Huang, Yu-Dong Zhang, Javier Del Ser, Chin-Teng Lin (2023). Deep learning for brain age estimation: a systematic review, Information Fusion, Elsevier. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 18.6]
  • R. Sharma, T. Goel, M. Tanveer, C.T. Lin, R. Murugan (2023). Deep learning based diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease: A comprehensive review, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 5]
  • M. Tanveer, M.A. Ganaie, A. Bhattacharjee, C.T. Lin (2022). Intuitionistic fuzzy weighted least squares twin SVMs, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 11.80]
  • M.A. Ganaie, M. Tanveer, CT Lin (2022). Large scale fuzzy least squares twin SVMs for class imbalance learning, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 11.90]
  • M. Tanveer, T. Rajani, Y.H. Shao, M.A. Ganaie (2022). Comprehensive Review on twin support vector machines, Annals of Operations Research, Springer. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 4.80]
  • M.A. Ganaie, M. Tanveer, P.N. Suganthan, V. Snasel (2022). Oblique and rotation double random forest, Neural Networks, Elsevier. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 7.8]
  • M.A. Ganaie, M. Tanveer (2022). Ensemble deep random vector functional link network using privileged information for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 4.5]
  • M. Tanveer, Tarun Gupta, Miten Shah, Bharat Richhariya (2021). Sparse twin support vector clustering using pinball loss, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 7.7]
  • B. Richhariya, M. Tanveer (2020). A reduced universum twin support vector machine for class imbalance learning, Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 102, 107150. [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 8.00]
  • M. Tanveer, B. Richhariya, R.U. Khan, A.H. Rashid, M. Prasad, P. Khanna, C.T. Lin (2020). Machine learning techniques for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease: A review, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM). [SCI Indexed with Impact Factor: 5]